Thiessen, Joel, Arch Chee Keen Wong, and Mark D. Chapman, eds. 2024. The Stories Congregations Tell: Flourishing in the Face of Transition and Change. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock.
McAlpine, Bill, Joel Thiessen, Keith Walker, and Arch Wong. 2021. Signs of Life: Catholic, Mainline, and Conservative Protestant Congregations in Canada. Toronto, ON: Tyndale Academic Publishing.
Thiessen, Joel and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme. 2020. None of the Above: Nonreligious Identity in the US and Canada. New York, NY: New York University Press.
Bibby, Reginald, Joel Thiessen, and Monetta Bailey. 2019. The Millennial Mosaic: How Pluralism and Choice Are Shaping Canadian Youth and The Future of Canada. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press.
Thiessen, Joel, Arch Wong, Bill McAlpine, and Keith Walker, eds. 2017. A Preliminary Look at Flourishing Congregations in Canada: What Church Leaders are Saying. Calgary, AB: Flourishing Congregations Institute. (*Not peer reviewed).
Thiessen, Joel. 2015. The Meaning of Sunday: The Practice of Belief in a Secular Age. Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Dawson, Lorne L. and Joel Thiessen. 2014. The Sociology of Religion: A Canadian Perspective. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Thiessen, Joel, Kennedy Quantz, Arch Wong, Keith Walker, and Bill McAlpine. 2021. “Evangelistic Belief and Behavior among Canadian Congregants.” Studies in Religion 51(4): 459-479.
Wong, Arch, Joel Thiessen, Bill McAlpine, and Keith Walker. 2021. “Discipleship from Catholic, Mainline and Conservative Protestant Congregant Perspectives in Canada.” Journal of Beliefs and Values.
Thiessen, Joel. 2021. “Evangelism and ‘Nones and Dones’ in Canada.” Northwest Institute for Ministry Education Research.
Wilkins-Laflamme and Joel Thiessen. 2020. "Religious Socialization and Millennial Involvement in Organized and Digital Nonbelief Activities." Secularism and Nonreligion 9 (2): 1-15.
Wong, Arch, Bill McAlpine, Joel Thiessen, and Keith Walker. 2019. “Are you Listening? The Relevance of what Pastoral/Denominational Leaders and Theological Educators are Saying about Preparing Leaders for Ministry.” Practical Theology 12 (3).
Thiessen, Joel, Arch Wong, Bill McAlpine and Keith Walker. 2018. “What is a Flourishing Congregation? Leader Perceptions, Definitions, and Experiences.” Review of Religious Research 61 (1): 13-37.
Thiessen, Joel and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme. 2017. “Becoming a Religious None: Irreligious Socialization and Disaffiliation.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 56 (1): 64-82.
Thiessen, Joel. 2016. “A Sociological Description and Defence of Secularization in Canada.” Post-Christendom Studies 1: 97-124.
Thiessen, Joel. 2016. “Kids, You Make the Choice: Religious and Secular Socialization among Marginal Affiliates and Nonreligious Individuals.” Secularism and Nonreligion 5 (1): 1-16.
Thiessen, Joel and Bill McAlpine. 2013. “The Function of Sacred Space: A Sociological and Theological Examination.” International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 13 (2): 133-146.
Thiessen, Joel. 2012. “Marginal Religious Affiliates in Canada: Little Reason to Expect Increased Church Involvement.” Canadian Review of Sociology 49 (1): 69-90.
Thiessen, Joel. 2010. “Churches are Not Necessarily the Problem: Lessons Learned from Christmas and Easter Affiliates.” Church and Faith Trends 3 (3): 1-24.
Thiessen, Joel and Lorne L. Dawson. 2008. “Is There a ‘Renaissance’ of Religion in Canada? A Critical Look at Bibby and Beyond.” Studies in Religion 37 (3-4): 389-415. (*Reprinted in Beaman, Lori G., ed. 2012. Religion and Canadian Society: Contexts, Identities, and Strategies. 2nd Edition. Pp.91-114.)
Wilkins-Laflamme, Sarah and Joel Thiessen. 2022. “Are Atheists Typically Young People?” Pp. 100-104 in Atheism in 5 Minutes, edited by Teemu Taira. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing.
Thiessen, Joel and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme. 2022. “Do Atheists Value Some Religions More Than Other Religions?” Pp. 239-243 in Atheism in 5 Minutes, edited by Teemu Taira. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing.
Thiessen, Joel and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme. 2021. “Nice, Tolerant, Indifferent Canadians: Religious Nones North of the 49th.” Secularity and NonReligion in North America, edited by Jesse M. Smith and Ryan T. Cragun. New York, New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Thiessen, Joel. 2016. “Sociological Foundations of Christian Morality.” Pp. 47-61 in Christian Morality: An Interdisciplinary Framework for Thinking about Contemporary Moral Issues, edited by G.W. Sutton and B. Schmidly. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick.
Thiessen, Joel. 2013. “Missionaries in our own Backyard: The Canadian Context.” Pp.127-144 in Missionary Methods: Research, Reflections, and Realities, edited by Craig Ott and J.D. Payne. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries and Flourishing Congregations Institute. 2024. “Mental Health and Illness in Canadian Congregations.” 34 pages.
Alpha Canada and Flourishing Congregations Institute. 2024. “Reigniting Hope: Sharing the Good News in Canada in 2024.” 35 pages.
Alpha Canada and Flourishing Congregations Institute. 2021. “The Priority and Practice of Evangelism: Canadian Church Leader Perspectives in 2021.” 47 pages.
Bird, Warren, Joel Thiessen, and 13 others. 2015. “Large Canadian Churches Draw an Estimated 300,000 Worshippers Each Week: Findings from a National Study.” Leadership Network. 12 pages.
Thiessen, Joel. 2021. Book Review of Ryan Burge’s The Nones: Where They Came From, Who They Are, and Where They Are Going. Review of Religious Research 63 (3): 478-488.
Thiessen, Joel. 2020. Book Review of Pamela E. Klassen and Monique Scheer’s The Public Work of Christmas: Difference and Belonging in Multicultural Societies. Sociology of Religion 81 (4): 494-496.
Thiessen, Joel. 2016. Book Review of Josh Packard and Ashleigh Hope’s Church Refugees: Sociologists Reveal Why People are DONE with Church but not Their Faith. Sociology of Religion 77 (4): 439-440.
Thiessen, Joel. 2016. Book Review of Christel Manning’s Losing Our Religion: How Unaffiliated Parents Are Raising Their Children. American Sociological Association Section on the Sociology of Religion Newsletter Fall 2016: 6-7.
Thiessen, Joel. 2016. Book Review of Sam Reimer and Michael Wilkinson’s A Culture of Faith: Evangelical Congregations in Canada. Sociology of Religion 77 (1): 104-106.
Thiessen, Joel. 2015. Book Review of Douglas J. Davies and Adam J. Powell’s Sacred Selves, Sacred Settings: Reflecting Hans Mol. Reviews in Religion and Theology 22 (4): 325-327.
Thiessen, Joel. 2014. Book Review of David A. Williamson and George Yancey’s There is No God: Atheists in America. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 53 (2): 453-455.
Thiessen, Joel. 2011. Book Review of Reginald Bibby’s Beyond the Gods and Back: Religions’ Demise and Rise and Why it Matters. Church and Faith Trends 4 (1): 1-4.